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Affirmations~ Don't you think it's about time you are good to yourself? "I am the archi

So this week is about positive affirmations. I have come across many people that look at me like I'm crazy when I explain to them about using a simple mantra or positive affirmation like, "I am beautiful". Do you realize how many people say numerous negative thoughts to themselves each day?

We all do it. I use to do it a lot too. But one day a light went off in my brain. Literally. I felt so low, so unloved, not worthy of love, heck...I didn't feel worthy at all. I was miserable. From that day forward (about 10 years ago) I promised myself NO MORE NEGATIVE TALK!

I learn everyday. When times are tough, we tend to return to negative self-talk. I sometimes go backwards and have to reel myself back in. "NO NEGATIVE TALK SARAH!" I still use the affirmations I started with. I am smart and I am worthy. I could go on and on with the positive affirmations I use, but I use them daily, and throughout the day to get me through every situation imaginable.

The idea with positive affirmations is to say something positive to yourself until you start believing it. When someone tells you over and over again how beautiful you are, do you believe them? What if someone tells you, you are aren't smart enough to go to college? What if you tell yourself you aren't smart enough to attend college? As humans, we believe what we hear because our brain is trained by what we process. We have to retrain our brain to accept positive thinking and positive affirmations will help you get to a happy place and away from negativity.

So start telling yourself these:

I am beautiful.

I am confident.

I can do whatever I set my mind to.

I love myself unconditionally.

I am happy just being me.

I am a good person who deserves to be happy.

What if you can't tell yourself you are beautiful? Try these:

I am finding it easier to love and accept myself.

I will take time to acknowledge the accomplishments I have made.

I am discovering many wonderful qualities about myself each day.

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